Watkins Glen State Park in New York State is one of those places you can go to year after year and find something new to enjoy every time. About a…
Over the Canadian Thanksgiving weekend, we made the journey up to 3 Mile Lake near Bracebridge in Muskoka. It’s a beautiful part of Northern Ontario, and the leaf forecast promised…
It hasn’t been a very prolific summer for me in terms of taking shots, but here are a few from the summer so far…
Bluffer’s Park in Scarborough is fast becoming my favourite place to visit. Sam and I went for a little nature walk on Saturday, and stopped to watch the Swans and…
It’s been cold here in Toronto and I mean really COLD! It’s made for some interesting lighting, and photo opportunities though, so it’s been worth braving the elements! Frozen Ashbridges…
As a child my father would drag my brother and I up to Bruce’s Mill Conservation Area in the fall to take a family portrait sitting on one particular tree…
Had some fun up at Horseshoe Valley Resort this past weekend. I loved the way this copse of trees looked in the foggy winter air, kind of ethereal and spooky…
Pressure, originally uploaded by Woodrow Walden.