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A Short Photo Essay: Bangkok and it’s People

by Woodrow Walden
The ubiquitous Tuk Tuk. They are all over the city and are probably the best way to get around other than the Skytrain. It’s always quite the wild ride, and they seem to follow their own rules of the road.
One of the many Buddhist Monks to be seen in Bangkok. They even have signs on the Skytrain, telling you to give up your seat if one comes on board. They are highly revered in Thai society.
One of the many artisans we came across on our journeys through the city. He was creating birds out grass.
Chatuchak Market Beggars
Street food rules supreme in Bangkok (well in Thailand in general) and there are vendors everywhere! You can get just about anything you want to eat from them (although their rules of hygiene may be a little looser than ours), and it’s always delicious!
The Girls outside one of the many GO-GO bars in the Soi Cowboy Red Light District
I wish I could remember the name of this Temple. It’s right across the street from the Grand Palace and has beautiful grounds to walk around.


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1 comment

A Short Photo Essay: Phuket Thailand December 11, 2018 - 10:58 am

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